Dr. Mario & Puzzle League (GBA) (gamerip) (2005)

This album was updated on 8th of April, 2024.

Change Log:
MP3 was broken, and did not play. Re-rendered.

Edit: Still persists... My links are fine, the files seem to break the moment they touch KHInsider. There's nothing more I can do to fix this, sorry!
Last edited:
This album was updated on 8th of April, 2024.

Change Log:
MP3 was broken, and did not play. Re-rendered.

Edit: Still persists... My links are fine, the files seem to break the moment they touch KHInsider. There's nothing more I can do to fix this, sorry!
You need to re-encode FLAC files and change the bit depth to 16 or 24.
This album was updated on 11th of April, 2024.

Change Log:
Broken files were caused by improper FLACs, re-encoded.