Galaxy Fraulein Yuna MUSIC WAVE3 (1998)

My Rating: 8.5/10
Personal Favorites:
Girl IV - Meeting Again [4], Cheerful [23], Comical Slapstick [25], Shopping [33], Save-Load [36]

Outside of the PC-FX, this album is for one of the three flagship Yuna games and is the weakest of the bunch. The symphony-quality sound is there and nice vocal songs but nothing is remarkable. the album feels quite safe and circumscribed compared to the previous entries. It's not bad, but it's a step back. Aside from that, the general music quality also drops off sharply from track 12 onward and tends towads that midi-sound so common in early CD audio.

Aside from that, permit me to indulge in an obscure music fact: The Yuna series music is heavily influenced by Sailor Moon and almost a copy at points. An odd one here is that two tracks (24 at 0:33 and 29 on whole) copy segments from the song that Wakusei Nemesis from the Super Nintendo Game Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R (track 18 there on KHInsider) is based on. There's other borrowings from Sailor Moon, I'm sure, but this is the one I could most definitely pin down.